Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Azad Watches Inc Presents "Legends Of The Game" Ice Edition by Ice-T with Pay Up Management

Azad Watches Inc knows the rules of the game; the game is to be sold not be told. But never being the ones to follow the rules, Azad Watches Inc wants to tell the world about our coldest "Legend Of The Game"TM Collection. Azad Watches' newest "Legend Of The Game"TM Collection has overcome adversity beyond the realm of possibility; straight off of Crenshaw in Gangland USA.

He Pioneered gangster rap music, he got Pookie away from that prom queen. He fought for our first amendment rights and he has fought for our country. His legacy and impact spread far into film, music and all forms of entertainment. Azad Watches Inc takes great pride in announcing to the world
                                     "Legends Of The Game"TM Ice Edition by Ice-T.

With over 30 years in the game with a resume that has influenced millions; Ice-T has been a legend of the game way before the inception of Azad Watches Inc. Yet after Ice-T was introduced to Azad Watches by Pay Up Management; he felt passionate about the collection that has paid homage to the most iconic individuals in sports and entertainment.

It's a natural fit; game recognizes game. The winning team of
Ice-T, Pay Up Management and Azad Watches Inc will be launching the Ice Edition "Legend Of The Game"TM collection in  2012.

Each timepiece is customized and inspired by the achievements of each "Legend Of The Game". Azad Watches Inc felt it was time to remind those that were there and teach those who were not, the influence each "Legend Of The Game" has had on pop culture and society as a whole. Communicating that message through limited production and edition timepieces is homage that Azad Watches' creator Babak Ermankhah, a visionary who has built his success on creative offerings, is more than willing to pay.

For more information on "Legends of The Game"TM and Azad Watches Inc log on to
Official Azad Watches Website

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